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Design and Decorating Services: Interior Design ConsultationInterior Design ServicesInterior Decorator ServicesCustom Blinds and Window TreatmentsCustom Kitchen and bathroom DesignCustom Furniture Design and SalesHome Accessories and Art WorkCustom Area Rugs and Stair Runners SalesCarpeting Sales and InstallationDrapery and Upholstery Fabric Sales and Work RoomChildren\'s Theme RoomsComplete Landscape DesignCustom Light Fixtures Sales and InstallationInterior and Exterior Lighting Design
Renovation and Remodeling Services: Complete Kitchen RenovationPartial Kitchen RenovationFull Bathroom RenovationPartial Bathroom RenovationFull Bathroom and Kitchen RenovationPartial Kitchen and Bathroom RenovationKohler Kitchen and Bath Dealer SalesKitchen and Bathroom Fixtures and Accessories SalesCustom Cabinet Dealer Sales and InstallationGranite Stone Sales Fabrication and InstallationDrywall and Plaster RepairWhole House Interior RenovationWhole House Exterior RenovationBasement Remodel Build OutCustom Windows and Doors Sales and InstallationCustom Garage Doors Sales and Installation
Painting and Specialty Services: Custom Painting InteriorInterior and Exterior Color ConsultingCustom Interior Painting Doors and TrimCustom Interior Staining Doors and Trim WorkCustom Faux FinishesCustom Faux Finishes Borders and StencilingSpecialty Painting Murals and Accent WallsCustom Staining and VarnishingHand Painted Furniture and CabinetryCustom Painting and Staining Exterior
Custom Hardwood, Tile and Natural Stone: Custom Pre-Finished Hardwoods Sales and InstallationCustom Un-Finished Hard Woods Sales and InstallationExotic Hard Woods Sales and InstallationExotic Luxurious and Unique Cork Flooring Sales and InstallationHardwood Flooring Refinishing Sanding Staining and VarnishingCustom Floor and Wall Designs With Tile and StoneCustom Glass Mosaics and Specialty Tiles Sales and InstallationCustom Designed Tile Stone BacksplashesPorcelain and Ceramic tile Sales and InstallationNatural Stone Sales and InstallationCustom Designed Stone Tile FireplacesGranite Counter Tops; Sales and InstallationQuartz Counter Tops Sales and InstallationHandmade Custom Natural Stone Counter Tops Sales and Installation
Custom Woodworking, Built-ins and Trim work: Handcrafted Custom Crown MoldingsCoffered CeilingsBaseboards Door and Window Casings TrimsHandmade Wooden Window Cornices ValancesSpecialty Trim Work Chair Rails Plate Rails and Picture Frame MoldingsCustom Designed Fireplace Mantels and Built-insCustom Designed Bookcases and Wall UnitsComplete Floor to Ceiling Custom Built Entertainment CentersSpecialty Built Cabinetry With Hand-painted FinishesCustom Wooden Closet Shelves and Built-insWooden Tongue and Groove Knotty Pine Custom Ceilings
Electrical and Lighting Services Interior Lighting Accent Lighting Plansand RedesignInterior Cabinet and Specialty LightingCustom Interior Lighting Fixtures Sales and InstallationInterior Lighting accessories Sales and InstallationIn-ground landscape Lighting Design Sales and Installation
Plumbing Services: Custom Kohler Shower design and InstallationsSink Toilet and Faucet InstallationGarbage Disposal Sales and InstallationInstant Hot Water Heater faucet sales and Installation
Landscape Design, Premium Exterior Projects and Services: Custom Planters For Your Home Or BusinessCurb Appeal Exterior Design ProjectsCustom Landscape Design and PlansLawn Garden and Landscape Maintenance PackageTrees Bushes Shrubs Parenials Sales and PlantingOutdoor Living Spaces and RoomsSpecialty Designed Outdoor Living AreasCustom Designed Multi-level Stone Patios and DecksStone Paths Walkways and DrivewaysColumn Retaining Walls Seat Walls and Raised Flower BedsExterior In-ground and Landscape Accent LightingCustom Decks and Fences Sales and InstallationCustom Patio Furniture and Accessories SalesFountains Water Features and Ponds
Other Premium Services Available To Our Clients: Estate Sales and Liquidating ServicesInterior and Exterior Holiday DecoratingCustom-made Holiday Wreaths and DecorationsSpring Planting Annuals Perenials and PlantersInterior and Exterior residential Window CleaningInterior Garage Renovations and Storage Solutions
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